Matteo Jessoula
Professor of Political Science
PhD in Political Studies

Matteo Jessoula

Welfare, Sustainability and Eco-Social Policies

Matteo Jessoula is Professor of Political Science and Director of the PhD programme in Political Studies at the University of Milan, Co-Director of OCIS-International Laboratory on Social Cohesion and Inclusion, Coordinator of the Italian team within ESPAN-Expert Network for Analytical Support in Social Policies funded by the European Commission (DG Empl).

His main fields of expertise are: comparative welfare states, comparative pension policies and minimum income schemes, eco-social policies and “just transition”, employment and labour market policies, European social governance.

He has published extensively – monographies, journal articles and book chapters – in the fields of social and employment policies, European social governance and European eco-social policies, among which the volumes La mano invisibile dello stato sociale. Il welfare fiscale in Italia (Il Mulino, 2022); Fighting poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU. A Chance in Europe 2020 (Routledge, 2018), Labour market flexibility and pension reforms (Palgrave 2012); Alle radici del welfare all’italiana (Marsilio, 2012), La politica pensionistica (Il Mulino, 2009).

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