Nicola Riva
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law

Nicola Riva

Citizenship, Education and Democracy

Nicola Riva is associate professor of Philosophy of Law at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where he teaches courses on ‘Differences, Inequalities and the Politics of Law’, ‘Theories of Justice’, and ‘Law and Social Change’. Since 2022, he is the coordinator of the Masters’ degree programme in Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs. Combining the approaches of analytical philosophy and critical theory, his research interests are in social justice, equality, freedom, liberalism, public bioethics and legal theory. He is also interested in the rights of sexual and gender minorities and in LGBT+ movement. His publications include the books Eguaglianza delle opportunità (Aracne, 2011) and Egalitarismi. Concezioni contemporanee della giustizia (Giappichelli, 2016), An Introduction to Fundamental Rights in Europe. History, Theory, Case (with Alessandra Facchi and Silvia Falcetta, Edward Elgar, forthcoming), the anthology Eguaglianza (edited, Laterza, 2017) and the volume L’antipaternalismo liberale e la sfida della vulnerabilità (edited, Carocci, 2020).

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