Teresa Pullano
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Teresa Pullano

Citizenship, Education and Democracy

Teresa Pullano is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Milano Statale. She is also research fellow at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science and at the Institute of European Global Studies of the University of Basel. She obtained a PhD in political science from Sciences Po Paris. She was a fellow at the CNR-IRPPS in Rome, a Marie Curie postdoctoral Fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and Fulbright-Schuman postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science at Columbia University, New York. She was Assistant Professor of European Global Studies at the University of Basel.

She is interested in analyzing the restructuring of contemporary citizenship in Europe as a specific form and structure of statehood. Within the EPRA HUB, she focuses on the nexus between citizenship and education in relation to the social and political current democratic dilemmas. Specifically, she deals with the political and legal tools through which European citizenship acts as a strategy of differential governmentality in contemporary Europe and with its capacity of structuring a form of territory at the continental level. She also investigates the European citizenship’s policies in connection to freedom of movement within the EU.

On these issues, she published the book “La citoyenneté européenne: un espace quasi-étatique” (Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014). Her research on this topic was also published in Droit et Société, Politique européenne, Politica & Società and in several edited books in English and French.

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