Maurizio Ambrosini
Professor of Sociology
PhD in Sociology of Migration

Maurizio Ambrosini

Migration, Diversity and Development Policies

Maurizio Ambrosini is professor of Sociology of Migration at the university of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences, chargé d’enseignement at the university of Cote d’Azur (France) and gave courses on Sociology of Migrations at the Italian campus of Stanford University and at SciencesPo university in Paris. He is also the  editor of the journal “Mondi Migranti”, and the Director of  the Italian Summer School of Sociology of Migrations, in Genoa. His handbooks, Sociologia delle migrazioni, and Sociologia (with L.Sciolla) are adopted as the textbooks in many Italian universities. In English he has published Irregular Immigration and Invisible Welfare (Palgrave, 2013) and Irregular migration in Southern Europe (Palgrave 2018).

He is also Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (since 2010 onwards) and of several Italian scientific journals. His research regards mainly irregular immigration, labour markets, migration policies at national and local level, transnational families, asylum seekers and refugees.

He was the head of the Italian unit in the European Project (H2020) MAGYC. Migration Governance and Asylum Crises and now is leading the Italian unit of the H2020 projects MIRREM and FAiR, on irregular migrations.

His articles have been published on leading international journals, such as Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Ethnicities, International Migration, European Journal of Migration and Law, Migration Studies.

He was Consultant of the Italian Parliament (Schengen commission, 2006-2008); Member of the National Advisory Board for the Integration of Immigrants (2007-2008); and, more recently, in 2017 he was appointed as an Expert at the National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL), where he leads the commission on Integration Policies for Foreign Citizens.

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