Emmanuele Pavolini
Professor in Economic Sociology

Emmanuele Pavolini

Inequality, Labour Market and Poverty

Emmanuele Pavolini is Full Professor in Economic Sociology at the University of Milan (Italy). He focuses his research interests in two fields: welfare state studies in a comparative perspective, with specific attention to the Italian and Southern European welfare states, social policies (i.e. long-term care, family policies, health care and education), inequalities in the access to welfare state provision, occupational and fiscal welfare, welfare mix and third sector organizations; labour market research and economic development, with a focus on the changing roles of professionals, networks among enterprises, strategies for competitiveness, and the role of migrants in the labour market. He is currently co-editor of the Journal of European Social Policy, co-chair of the Italian ESPAnet Board, and co-spokesman of the network in support of families with children “Alleanza per l’infanzia”. He has extensively publish in international journals: Journal of European Social Policy, Social Policy & Administration, Acta Sociologica, Journal of Gerontology, Comparative European Politics, Social Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Sociology of Health & Illness, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy.

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