Enzo Colombo
Professor of Cultural Processes

Enzo Colombo

Youth, Gender and Generations

Enzo Colombo is Professor of Cultural processes and teaches Culture and Society and Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights.

His main fields of expertise are: Cultural Theory; Multiculturalism, Racism and Otherness; Youth Studies.

He has published in several major sociological journals. Among the most recent works:

  1. 2023 Framing Social Theory. Reassembling the Lexicon of Contemporary Social Sciences (eds, with P. Rebughini), London, Routledge;
  2. 2021 Acrobati del presente. La vita quotidiana alla prova del lockdown, (with P. Rebughini) (eds.), Roma, Carocci;
  3. 2020 Sociologia delle relazioni interculturali, Roma, Carocci;
  4. 2019 Youth and the Politics of the Present. Coping with complexity and ambivalence (with P. Rebughini) (eds.), London, Routledge;
  5. 2023 Becoming individuals: processes of individualization and reflexivity, «Educação e Pesquisa», 49: 1-18;
  6. 2023 Configurations of otherness and globalization of the Othering Machine, «Mondi Migranti», 1/2023: 9-26 (with L. Leonini, P. Rebughini);
  7. 2022 The way it goes: Epistemic and methodological encounters of intersectionality, «AG About Gender. International Journal of Gender Studies», 11 (22): 221-244 (with P. Rebughini);
  8. 2022 Individualization and Individualism: Facets and Turning Points of the Entrepreneurial Self among Young People in Italy, «Sociology», 56 (3): 430-446 (with P. Rebughini and L. Domaneschi);
  9. 2021 Human Rights-inspired Governmentality: COVID-19 through a Human Dignity Perspective, «Critical Sociology», 47 (4-5), pp. 571-581

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