Annalisa Murgia
Associate Professor of Sociology

Annalisa Murgia

Youth, Gender and Generations

Annalisa Murgia is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. She is currently PI of the ERC project SHARE ‘Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment‘ (2017-2023) and Scientific Coordinator of the Research Centre Genders.

Her main research interests lie in sociological qualitative and ethnographic studies. In particular, the lines of research around which her current scientific production is articulated focus on precariousness and its implications for workers’ agency, emerging forms of collective organising, and the social construction of gender in organisations. Her work appears in such outlets as Current Sociology; Organization; Gender, Work & Organization; Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management; Qualitative Sociology Review; Work, Employment and Society etc., as well as in edited scholarly books. She recently co-edited the book Faces of Precarity: Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles (with J. Choonara and R. Do Carmo, Bristol University Press, 2022).

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