Paola Rebughini
Professor of Sociology

Paola Rebughini

Youth, Gender and Generations

Paola Rebughini is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication and Director of the PhD programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan.

His main fields of expertise are: Social theory and Cultural theory; Sociology of collective action; Sociology of youth; Cultural pluralism and generations; Agency, critique and creativity in everyday practices (identities, consumption, social relations and social ties). She is currently P.I. of the PRIN 2022 project Coping with multiple crises: Youth between individualization and cooperation in Milan and Naples.

She has published extensively – monographies, journal articles and book chapters – among which: Sociologia delle differenze. Genere, cultura, natura, Carocci, Roma, 2022. Framing Social Theory. Reassembling the lexicon of contemporary social sciences, Routledge Publishing, London (eds with E. Colombo), 2022. Youth and the Politics of the Present, Routledge Publishing, London (eds with E. Colombo), 2019; “Individualization and individualism: facets and turning points of the entrepreneurial-self among young people in Italy”, SOCIOLOGY, 56, 3, pp. 430-446 (with E. Colombo and L. Domaneschi), 2022; “A Sociology of Anxiety: Western Modern Legacy and the Covid-19 Outbreak” INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY, n. 36, 4, pp. 554-568, 2021.

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