Franca Maino
Associate Professor
Ph.D in Political Science

Franca Maino

Youth, Gender and Generations

Franca Maino, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan, where she teaches “Social and Labour Market Policies” (BA Program in Management of Organization and Labour, in Italian), “Healthcare and LTC Policy” (BA Program in Management and Policies of Public Administration, in Italian), “The Welfare State and Social Innovation” (MA Program in Global Politics and Society, in English). She is the Director of the Observatory on “Percorsi di secondo welfare”. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Stato e Mercato”. Her main research interests are the welfare state from a comparative perspective; Second welfare and social innovation between public and private partnerships; Occupational welfare and work-life balance; LTC and health care reforms in Italy, and Europe from a comparative perspective; Social inclusion and food poverty; Decentralization and center-periphery relations; Regionalization of public policies.

Among her recent publications:

  1. Sostegno ai poveri: quale riforma? Dal Reddito di Cittadinanza all’Assegno di Inclusione (Egea, 2023, with S. Sacchi, A. Ciarini, G. Gallo, R. Lodigiani e M. Raitano);
  2. Agire insieme. Coprogettazione e coprogrammazione per cambiare il welfare. Sesto Rapporto sul secondo welfare (edited book, 2023);
  3. Prevenire i fallimenti organizzativi nei sistemi sanitari. La definizione di uno strumento di anticipatory governance a partire dal caso della telemedicina in Toscana, in “Polis”, Fascicolo 1, 2023, pp. 99-130, doi: 10.1424/106955 (with Marco Betti);
  4. Fostering Policy Change in Anti-Poverty Schemes in Italy: Still a Long Way to Go, in Social Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 8, 327, 2022, pp. 1-22, (with C.V. De Tommaso);
  5. The Autonomy Voucher for the elderly and people with disabilities in the context of local welfare transformation: potentials and limits of Lombardy Region’s policy, in Pomati, M., Cefalo, R., Jolly, A., in Social Policy Review 34: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2022, Bristol University Press, 2022, pp. 158-178 (with I. Madama, F. Bruno);
  6. Platform Welfare. Nuove logiche per innovare i servizi locali, Egea, 2021 (edited book with F. Longo);
  7. Il ritorno dello Stato Sociale? Mercato, Terzo Settore e comunità oltre la pandemia. Quinto Rapporto sul secondo welfare in Italia, Giappichelli, 2021 (edited book).

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