Massimo Pallini
Professor in Labour Law

Massimo Pallini

Inequality, Labour Market and Poverty

Massimo Pallini is a full professor in Labour Law at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. He holds the courses of European and Comparative Labour Law and Multi Level Legal Systems. He is a member of the Inter-department Research Center WTW (Work, Training and Welfare). He is a lecturer and a member of the Committee at the PhD in Economic Sociology, Organization end Labour Studies (ESOL) based at the University of Milan. He is an editor of Rivista giuridica del lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale, Rivista italiana del lavoro, Rivista del diritto della sicurezza sociale. He has a longstanding experience in researching labour law issues at national level and in a comparative perspective, with a special attention on the influence of EU regulation on employment systems and patterns. His research interests mainly spread over these areas: regulation of “flexible” employment contracts and of semi-dependent employment contracts; federalism and labour law; clash between services market opening and employment protection in EU and in Italy; social dumping in EU. Lately he has focused his activity on analysis of legal problems of precarious employment contracts and of collective representativeness of the workers employed by them.

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