Moris Triventi
Professor of Sociology

Moris Triventi

Citizenship, Education and Democracy

I am Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, where I teach  Global Social Dynamics (MA) and Applied multivariate analysis for social scientists (PhD).  My main research interests are social stratification, educational inequalities, higher education, transition to the labour market, impact evaluation of public policies, and quantitative methods of data analysis.

I am the Principal Investigator of the ERC-CoG EDUPOL – Education Policies that Work: A Context-Sensitive ‘big data’ approach (2024-28) and of the international project INEQUALITREES – A Novel Look at Socio-Economic Inequalities using Machine Learning Techniques and Integrated Data Sources (2021-24). I am also local PI of the EU Horizon Project LEARN – Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing iNequalities (2024-27).

From 2017 to 2023 I was Assistant and then Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Trento and a member of the CSIS (Center for Social Inequality Studies).  Before, I was Lecturer in the Department of Political and Social Sciences and Senior researcher in the Comparative Lifecourse & Inequality Research Centre (CLIC) at the European University Institute (Fiesole, Italy) (2013-16). I received my PhD in Applied Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan-Bicocca (2010) and had additional training on quantitative methods at the University of Essex, Oxford, Bamberg, Trento and EUI. I have been a visiting researcher at WZB (2018), Trinity College Dublin (2017), University of Cologne (2016), University of Amsterdam (2012).

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