Nazareno Panichella
Professor of Economic Sociology

Nazareno Panichella

Citizenship, Education and Democracy

Nazareno Panichella is a Professor of Economic Sociology at the University of Milan. He serves as the scientific coordinator of the ECSR-CCA-NASP Spring School and is a board member of both the European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) and the Standing Committee on Immigration, Immigrants, and Labour Markets in Europe within the IMISCOE European Research Network. He is currently the Principal Investigator for the Miur-Prin 2020 Grant, ‘School, Work, Family, and Mobility across Marginal and Central Areas’, the CARIPLO-Inequalities grant ‘Ethnic Inequalities: A Multidimensional Analysis of Migrants’ Penalty on Occupational Achievement and Health in Italy (MEI)’, and the Cariplo grant ‘Opportunities and Constraints in Marginal and Central Areas’. His research focuses on the labor market, immigration, social stratification, and mobility, with his work published in various journals, including the European Sociological Review, International Migration Review, Acta Sociologica, and others.

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