Simona Guglielmi
Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD in Sociology

Simona Guglielmi

Youth, Gender and Generations

Simona Guglielmi,  PhD in Sociology, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Milan. She is a local representative of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP- Italy) and a member of the Italian Scientific Committee of the European Values Study. She is a faculty member of the PhD program in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (University of Milan and Turin).

She is currently PI of the project MAYBE “Moving into Adulthood in uncertain times: Youth Beliefs, future Expectations, and life choices between changing social values and local policy initiatives“ and of the project START:Surfing Transition to Adulthood:Resources and Timing (PRIN 2022-SH3) .

Her main research interests lie in public opinion, youth and value change, with a special focus on  national/European identities and political culture. She has strong expertise in collection and management of survey data. Methodological and technical skills include comparative studies, survey experiments, and structural equation modelling. Her work appears in such outlets as International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, East European Politics and Societies, European Societies as well as in edited scholarly books.

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