The Evidence-based Policy Research and Action Hub (EPRA HUB) of the Department of Social and Political Science, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) welcomes manifestations of interest for visiting fellowships (maximum duration of 3 months). The visiting fellowship is situated within the research and teaching thematic foci of the Evidence-based Policy Research and Action Hub and of the Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Milano.

The newly established Policy Research and Action Hub is interdisciplinary, and it is based upon the collaboration among interactive networks composed of academic bodies, public institutions, and policymakers. The EPRA Hub works at the production and systematization of data, and it supports the research upon and the production of evidence-based policies through the analysis and evaluation of public policies, political and institutional practices, and actions of reform. The Policy Hub takes inspiration from the so-called “policy sciences” and their shared aim of producing scientific knowledge, on the one hand, and responding to societal needs for information on the process of production of public policies. The UN and EU objectives of democracy, inclusion, and sustainability are intertwined, and they need to be translated into policy practices to sustain the correct functioning of our institutions.
The thematic areas of the EPRA Hub include the analysis of public policy processes, particularly education policies, social inequalities, labor policies and their transnational coordination, educational inequalities, climate change, environmental sustainability, and digital transition. These are just some political and social challenges of an always more complex, interconnected, and “unorganized” world. Such questions call for elaborating integrated public policies beyond sectorial and disciplinary borders. They equally demand the development of relevant knowledge capable of informing such an innovation process of “political production”.

The fellows staying at the EPRA HUB/Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Milano will benefit from the excellent academic conditions and exchange of one of Italy’s Department of Excellence in the field of social and political science and of one of the leading Italian universities. The EPRA HUB is a platform of exchange for prominent scholars in the fields of the study of public policies, of social inequalities and welfare state systems and challenges, as well as in the fields of public administration and European and international politics. The fellowship is open to researchers and policymakers. The manifestation of interest is open to senior and/or junior/mid-career scholars. Concerning junior scholars, in order to apply, prospective fellows must have completed their doctorate at the time of application and have a proven track record in the indicated research area with a focus on the EPRA HUB research streams. Concerning policymakers, the fellows must have a professional record in the field of expertise of the policy areas of the EPRA HUB and a strong academic interest. The proposed research project should make an innovative contribution to the fellow’s field of expertise, also in terms of theoretical, empirical, and/or methodological input. The fellowship is non-residential. Still, in-presence teaching is requested for a minimum of 15 hours of teaching in total. Fellows are expected to engage in teaching by offering a lecture series or a workshop for master’s and Ph.D. students at the Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Milano, ideally during the month of June 2024 or in a date range to be agreed upon with the fellow but no later than end of September 2024. They are expected to
engage in research collaborations with the colleagues of the EPRA HUB. For more information about the activities of the EPRA HUB, please contact Professor Paola Mattei (

Please use the standard application form for your project proposal and CV. Incoming applications without the standard application form will not be considered. Please submit your complete application documents in PDF format in one email to:

The closing date for applications is 20.02.2024.

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